Thursday, August 28, 2008

At the suggestion of Elder McKinnon we joined with Elder and Sister Slade for a trip to the Montreal, Quebec, Canada Temple on Tuesday, August 26. We picked the Slade's up a little after 5:00 a.m. and the trip took about three hours. We had made an appointment to be on the 9:00 a.m. session. The people at the temple were so kind to us. There were only the four of us on the session who were English speaking only, but they did the entire session in English and asked the other participants in the group if they needed a headset for the French translation. I thought that was really going the extra-mile to make us feel welcome and comfortable. There were about 20 people on the session including the four of us. After the session we traveled into the heart of Montreal to the area known as "Old Montreal" to have some lunch before driving back to Vermont. It really is a foreign country even though it is so close. We got lost trying to find this part of town but most of the people we asked for directions spoke some English.

Montreal is a beautiful city on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. We were glad to have the chance to view the city and very grateful to go to the temple since we haden't been since we left the M.T.C. Our next temple trip will be to Boston in a few months which we are really looking forward to.


Nephi and Ruby Jensen said...

Montreal looks beautiful! Glad you had a great trip. We are looking forward to going to the Temple there sometime ourselves.

Caroliene said...

Mom and Dad I hope this goes through. I was just looking at the pictures of your trip to the temple and it is beautiful. How fun to be able to see the different temples. Travis and I agree its fun to see the differences on the outside appearance but its nice to have the same atmosphere and feeling on the inside.